
Pizza has always been seen as a meal high in fat with great guilt factor my site.But, based on research, it could also reduce your own danger of making a assortment of growth.Researchers site found that those who ate pizza at least twice a week were 59 per dollar less likely to develop corruption in the oesophagus, obtained a 34 per cent lower threat of throat growth also remain 26 per cent less likely to get colorectal cancer.There is growing evidence of medical benefits of the diet deep in tomato sauce, but this is the first time that authorities visit say collected eating pizza can deal with disease.Dr Silvano Gallus, of the my www Mario Negri Start for Prescription Study with Milan, said: ‘We saw that this tomatoes employed in the spices are thought to be a foods to reduces certain tumours.‘However, we would not anticipate to pizza as a whole provide such large prevention against cancer.’ The study involved 3,315 patients with tumours of the digestive system who were compared to almost 5,000 people experience other diseases.


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